Tax Depreciation


Property Accounting Basics: What You Need to Know

Are you a property owner? Or perhaps you’re a management company that handles the ins and outs of property for multiple clients? Understanding the property accounting basics is a good starting point to ensure you meet all your obligations. Much like any other business, accounting for an investment property has clear rules and requirements to…

Stamp Duty in NSW: What you need to know

Whether you’re purchasing a home for the first time or planning to relocate to New South Wales, understanding all the costs attached to buying a new property up-front is the best place to start. Like every state in Australia, NSW stamp duty is a `specific fee or cost you will pay when purchasing a home.…

Self Employment Tax Guidelines for Australia

The tax considerations of being self employed in Australia are unique. Legally minimising your tax burden and taking advantage of every available deduction requires careful and informed forward planning of tax minimisation strategies. If undertaken without professional guidance, tax management can be riddled with missed opportunities for claiming tax benefits. Unanticipated and unnecessarily large tax…

EOFY 19 / 20 Tax Advice with the Best in Business Accounting

The year is going so quickly that June 30th will be here before you know it. And, June 30th means one thing – end of the financial year (EOFY). To ensure you meet the deadline, it’s time to get your personal and business finances in order. Thankfully, by following some simple tips, preparing for tax…

Tax depreciation schedules, All You Need to know for EOFY

Tax depreciation schedules are one of the most significant yet under-utilised tools available for property investors to maximise their returns. However, a large proportion of people still fail to realise the benefits of ordering a tax depreciation schedule. It is now estimated that through depreciation landlords could claim back between ten and forty per cent…

Tax Brackets Australia – The Definitive Guide to Tax Brackets & Tax Strategies [2020 update]

Are you paying the right amount of income tax? In a surprising number of cases, businesses and individuals are paying more tax than they need to! Here we take a look at the current Australian tax rates, as well as what you can do to ensure you’re not paying more tax than you should be.…

Information is power: protecting businesses from corona virus

Every day the continuing spread of corona virus brings more developments as governments worldwide introduce measures like social distancing and quarantine to manage its effects. Stock markets are taking hits. Financial projections are shrinking. And it seems no business is immune to the disruption this virus is bringing. But at Pherrus Financial Services we are…

Developments In a Company Tax Rate Deduction

Parliament just made significant decisions concerning their tax reduction plan. The uncertainty surrounding the Government’s tax rate reduction scheme has finally lifted. While many companies will enjoy the lowering of the tax rate to 25 percent, a significant number of businesses will still have to pay 30 percent. As with all tax reform initiatives, the…

August Federal Tax Developments for Australia

In a significant month for businesses, the tax world saw some interesting changes during August 2018. With an overview of what they were, you can determine how they impact your day-to-day transactions. Income tax residency rules In the past, those who moved away from Australia for work wouldn’t be subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT)…

What You Need to Know About the Latest Tax Depreciation Legislation Changes

Back in November 2017, the federal government announced changes to tax depreciation legislation. They announced these new changes along with the federal budget on 9 May of this year, and investors across the country are still scratching their heads in confusion and worrying about the potential impact on their future tax returns. Let us break…