tax advice


Instant Asset Tax Write-off concessions extended to December 2020

In response to the damage which businesses have suffered due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has introduced a suite of measures designed to provide an economic stimulus, promoting growth and recovery. One of these measures related to a temporary increase in the instant asset tax write-off value. Intended to enable businesses…

EOFY 19 / 20 Tax Advice with the Best in Business Accounting

The year is going so quickly that June 30th will be here before you know it. And, June 30th means one thing – end of the financial year (EOFY). To ensure you meet the deadline, it’s time to get your personal and business finances in order. Thankfully, by following some simple tips, preparing for tax…

Tax depreciation schedules, All You Need to know for EOFY

Tax depreciation schedules are one of the most significant yet under-utilised tools available for property investors to maximise their returns. However, a large proportion of people still fail to realise the benefits of ordering a tax depreciation schedule. It is now estimated that through depreciation landlords could claim back between ten and forty per cent…

The ATO’s Response to ‘Black Businesses’

In the 2015-16 financial year, the newly introduced taxable payments reporting system (TPRS) safeguarded an estimated $2.7 billion in the building and construction industry from being swallowed up by the black economy. Now, other industries perceived as ‘high risk’ are on the ATO’s radar. For the financial year 2018-19, services businesses – such as couriers,…

The ATO Begins To Crack Down on Those Using Car Sharing Applications

As an approach to passive income that’s gathered popularity in recent years, car sharing applications are used throughout Australia. Recently, the ATO has begun cracking down on those who are generating significant income through their use. If you’re partial to profiting from car sharing, you may want to learn more about your tax obligations. How…

Developments In a Company Tax Rate Deduction

Parliament just made significant decisions concerning their tax reduction plan. The uncertainty surrounding the Government’s tax rate reduction scheme has finally lifted. While many companies will enjoy the lowering of the tax rate to 25 percent, a significant number of businesses will still have to pay 30 percent. As with all tax reform initiatives, the…

$10,000 Maximum Per Transaction Cash Payments – How Will This Affect Your Business?

Between 2016 and 2017, the number of everyday Australians using cash transactions fell from 69 percent to 37 percent. Despite this staggering fall, those who wish to avoid their tax obligations continue to use large cash payments to conduct their activities. But, with a new cash spending limit in place, it’s becoming harder for them…

Changes to GST Exemption

Starting from the 1st July 2018, the changes to GST exemption mean that all online goods bought from overseas will now carry a 10% goods and services tax. The previous rules meant that all goods worth less than $1,000 were exempt from the GST, but that is no longer the case. Goods becoming more expensive…

ATO Cracks Down on Cryptocurrencies

If you have invested in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, you need to stay ahead of some changes which are coming from the Australian Tax Office. The ATO is keen to crack down on cryptocurrencies to ensure that investors are paying taxes on their earnings. New crackdown initiative The ATO has a number of different ways…

Benefits of A Workers Compensation Insurance Scheme For Employers

Should you provide workers compensation insurance for your employees? There might be a few more benefits than you expect. First, let’s look at what this type of insurance entails, and then why you should already have a scheme in place. What is workers compensation insurance? This type of insurance will pay out if one of…