home purchase


Information is power: protecting businesses from corona virus

Every day the continuing spread of corona virus brings more developments as governments worldwide introduce measures like social distancing and quarantine to manage its effects. Stock markets are taking hits. Financial projections are shrinking. And it seems no business is immune to the disruption this virus is bringing. But at Pherrus Financial Services we are…

New ATO Tax Debt Powers Set To Impact Business Operations

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has been granted new powers allowing it to disclose information surrounding businesses’ tax debts to registered credit reporting bureaus. This legislation has been in the works for a while now, having been on the government’s agenda since 2014. It finally received royal assent on 28 October 2019. The ATO’s new…

Recent Superannuation Guarantee Changes & Superannuation For Home Buyers – What You Need To Know!

Superannuation Guarantee & Salary Sacrificing Superannuation has always been about Future Money. Money stored away for your future. Your super is your future.  Payments towards that future is known as a super guarantee contribution or concessional (pre-tax) contributions. You also have the ability to make Voluntary contributions on top of this amount. Boosting your super…