

Self Employment Tax Guidelines for Australia

The tax considerations of being self employed in Australia are unique. Legally minimising your tax burden and taking advantage of every available deduction requires careful and informed forward planning of tax minimisation strategies. If undertaken without professional guidance, tax management can be riddled with missed opportunities for claiming tax benefits. Unanticipated and unnecessarily large tax…

Standing down employees and knowing your rights as a business

Almost every business across the country is beginning to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in one way or another. The need to slow the spread of the coronavirus has prompted both national and state governments to take dramatic action to reduce the likelihood of passing on the infection. At the time of writing,…

How your business can benefit from the COVID-19 financial stimulus

The Australian Government has announced a $17.6 billion stimulus package on the 12 March 2020 in order to prevent Australia falling into a recession. Further, announced on the 22 March 2020 an additional $66 billion stimulus package on top of the previously announced $17.6 billion stimulus was announced. This is due to the economic impact…

Special Pherrus Federal Budget 2018-19 Review

Special Pherrus Federal Budget 2018-19 Review The federal budget has been outlined for 2018-19. This year’s Budget highlights a mix of some 37 measures. What are the need to knows? Here are the Big Ones Personal Income Tax Relief – there will be an immediate offset for low to middle income earners. Further relief is…