cash flow


What Is Cash Flow Management?

How strong is your cash flow management? Particularly when a business is just starting or undergoing some form of transition, cash flow can be a deciding factor in whether it survives. Some people may be asking, what is cash flow? Cash flow meaning in accounting, is defined as the net cash flow coming into and…

How do I apply for the $10,000 NSW Small Business Grant?

If you are one of our small business clients, you may have recently received an email from us. This is because we think you may be eligible for a Small Business Grant. In order to help you deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to let you know about this grant. If awarded to your…

Accessing the government’s cash flow boost

With businesses suffering hardship due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has put in place a number of different measures to provide them with a financial helping hand until they can start trading at more usual levels. One of the financial stimulus measures which have been put in place is the cash…

How your business can benefit from the COVID-19 financial stimulus

The Australian Government has announced a $17.6 billion stimulus package on the 12 March 2020 in order to prevent Australia falling into a recession. Further, announced on the 22 March 2020 an additional $66 billion stimulus package on top of the previously announced $17.6 billion stimulus was announced. This is due to the economic impact…