

JobSaver Payments Boosted – COVID-19 Stimulus Measures

As you are aware, the NSW’s COVID-19 lockdown has been extended for another four weeks, prompting the state and federal governments to announce more financial lifelines for businesses and individuals. FOR INDIVIDUALS If an individual has had their work hours reduced because of the lockdown they will be in line to get additional payments. Those…

How do I apply for the $10,000 NSW Small Business Grant?

If you are one of our small business clients, you may have recently received an email from us. This is because we think you may be eligible for a Small Business Grant. In order to help you deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to let you know about this grant. If awarded to your…

Have you made your JobKeeper payments? Don’t Get Caught Out!

As part of a stimulus package to deal with COVID-19, the ATO has introduced the JobKeeper payment scheme. If you are a business owner, then the team here at Pherrus can help you through this crisis and provide all the crucial accounting advice to help you survive and thrive. Already signed up for the JobKeeper…

Do you qualify for a Covid-19 Small Business Grant?

The global pandemic is affecting businesses across the globe. As part of economic stimulus measures, governments and councils are providing a variety of funding options to try to help businesses pull through in these difficult times. If you have a business in the City of Sydney area and are in need of assistance, a grant…

Accessing the government’s cash flow boost

With businesses suffering hardship due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has put in place a number of different measures to provide them with a financial helping hand until they can start trading at more usual levels. One of the financial stimulus measures which have been put in place is the cash…

What Sole traders need to know about the Jobkeeper Stimulus Package

With the social distancing and shut-down measures that have been imposed in order to combat the spread of Covid-19, many businesses are really feeling the financial pressure. In order to enable as many enterprises as possible to survive, and even thrive, during and after the current wave of Covid-19 restrictions, the government has put together…

What Companies need to know about Jobkeeper Stimulus Package Eligibility

The Covid-19 pandemic is a worrying time, not least because many businesses are wondering how best to support their employees when income has dried up. To assist the many enterprises across the country that have either had to close completely or seen a dramatic reduction in trade due to the pandemic, the government has put…