

How to Finance Property Development: Strategies, Tips, and Expert Guidance

Are you eager to make your mark in property development, or are you ready to take your current portfolio to the next level? In Australia, property development is an exciting and potentially lucrative arena involving purchasing, developing, and managing properties to generate profit.  However, the success of development projects heavily relies on effective financial planning.…

Property Development Finance

The first step to getting a new property development off the ground is to ensure the project is properly financed. Many developers, particularly inexperienced ones, underestimate how much capital they need, which can result in costly delays and project overruns. In this article, we are going to explore finance for property development. We’ll discuss what…

What Is Cash Flow Management?

How strong is your cash flow management? Particularly when a business is just starting or undergoing some form of transition, cash flow can be a deciding factor in whether it survives. Some people may be asking, what is cash flow? Cash flow meaning in accounting, is defined as the net cash flow coming into and…

Is Negative Gearing A Good Property Investment Strategy?

Property investment is an attractive way of building net worth, but first-time investors can often be intimidated by the perceived difficulty of building and managing a property portfolio. This is not surprising since the investment industry loves to use industry jargon to make the process of investing sound more complicated than it is. Take negative…