

Business Accounting Terms

The accounting profession is full of acronyms, phrases and terminologies that can make it difficult for small business owners with little or no accounting experience to understand what’s going on. But while accounting sounds confusing on the face of it, once you understand a few basic accounting concepts, there isn’t all that much to it.…

Standing down employees and knowing your rights as a business

Almost every business across the country is beginning to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in one way or another. The need to slow the spread of the coronavirus has prompted both national and state governments to take dramatic action to reduce the likelihood of passing on the infection. At the time of writing,…

Protecting Honest Business – ATO Visiting Businesses in Bankstown

The Australia Taxation Office (ATO) has committed to protecting honest businesses by tracking down deceitful or illegal activities in towns and cities across the country. In early November 2019, the ATO will visit Bankstown. Here’s a bit more information regarding the ATO’s pledge to protect honest businesses and what their visit to Bankstown means for…