


Director Identification Numbers: Guide & All You Need To Know

If you’re a company director for an Australian company, you’ve probably heard about plans to phase in new legislation surrounding Director Identification Numbers. Known as the Director ID scheme, the new rules are designed to ensure directors are held accountable if their business fails. Why is the law changing? Although most company directors take their…

9 Benefits of Hiring an Accountant

Hiring an accountant is a valuable step for any business to take. Whether you’ve been handling finances solo or you’re planning a start-up, and you need someone with financial know-how, an accountant can provide the exact services you need. If you’re curious about accountancy, whether you want to know ‘what does an accountant do on…

What is an Accountant? (+ What Does an Accountant Do?)

There may be a lot of maths involved, but accounting is far more than just a numbers game. With many different business functions and legal requirements requiring an accountant to do their job to the highest standard, this vital role is an important addition to any company. With more than 200,000 qualified accountants operating in…

All about NSW’s COVID-19 Business Grant and JobSaver scheme

If you’re a small business owner living and working in New South Wales, you’ve probably heard about the state government’s two new crisis payments – the COVID-19 Business Grant and the JobSaver scheme. These payments may seem simple on the surface, but there are complex regulations about how you can obtain and spend them. In…

Cryptocurrency Accounting & Bookkeeping

Whether you’re investing in crypto yourself, you know someone who is, or you’ve heard about it on the news, cryptocurrency is big business. From highly volatile coins to coins with a steady increase and incredible value, many see bitcoin and similar currencies as a quick and effective way to make cash. But as a relatively…

Business Accounting Terms

The accounting profession is full of acronyms, phrases and terminologies that can make it difficult for small business owners with little or no accounting experience to understand what’s going on. But while accounting sounds confusing on the face of it, once you understand a few basic accounting concepts, there isn’t all that much to it.…

Self Employment Tax Guidelines for Australia

The tax considerations of being self employed in Australia are unique. Legally minimising your tax burden and taking advantage of every available deduction requires careful and informed forward planning of tax minimisation strategies. If undertaken without professional guidance, tax management can be riddled with missed opportunities for claiming tax benefits. Unanticipated and unnecessarily large tax…

Tax Brackets Australia – The Definitive Guide to Tax Brackets & Tax Strategies [2020 update]

Are you paying the right amount of income tax? In a surprising number of cases, businesses and individuals are paying more tax than they need to! Here we take a look at the current Australian tax rates, as well as what you can do to ensure you’re not paying more tax than you should be.…

The super guarantee amnesty ends in September – make sure you’re prepared

The super guarantee amnesty ends in September – make sure you’re prepared The amnesty on companies paying backdated super guarantees comes to an end on 7th September. This amnesty was designed to help companies pay back years of payments that may have gone missing, but without any penalties from the government. If you haven’t yet…

What is a Proprietary Limited Company?

We often see the abbreviation Pty Ltd tacked on the end of the names of many companies. We can probably say with some confidence that most people don’t give those six little letters a second thought, if they ever notice them at all. As a business owner, however, this small collection of letters can have…