
It is very hard to find successful organisations that have not in one way or the other given back to society or spread their good fortune about. Every business, small or big, should dedicate resources to bring some good cheer to the needy in an authentic way. If each company dedicated resources or time to a charity or the needy in society, the potential for great and positive change would be enormous.

Pherrus Financial Services, a team business tax accountants, lawyers and agents in Sydney, Australia, are dedicated to serving the needs of individuals and business owners and most significantly, in the past six months, and going into the future, are giving back with an aim of helping those that are in need; to give back to the less fortunate.

The Pherrus Foundation was set up with an aim of helping humanity in poorer countries or within the community who are less fortunate. This is why Pherrus has set out courageously and determinedly to assist children who are really unfortunate both economically and physically in the third world. The Ceylon School for the Deaf & Blind – At 521, Galle Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka is one such example, one of the stops the Foundation has made to provide financial & physical assistance to the blind and deaf children.

Recently, the children were provided with a very special meal that brought a sense of happiness, thanksgiving and gratitude to the face of their faces. It was one of the best feelings for the Foundation members, one that has no monetary equivalent. Seeing happy children, although blind and deaf, on the other side of the world, it was a wonderful moment not just for the children but also Pherrus. It was a great lesson learned that no matter where anyone is, he or she can effect change, and make a hard situation, easier and a better place, especially for innocent children who are the future of their country.

Sri Lanka has had decades of civil war and is trying to shake years of hurt and frustration. The poverty levels are staggering and it is possible for needy kids such as those in the Ceylon School for the Deaf & Blind to be forgotten with ease. As a successful business in a great country that has been very fortunate not to suffer the same predicament, Pherrus Foundation seeks to help transform the lives of the needy in the world, if at all to bring a smile on the face of a child and nothing else. The Ceylon School for the Deaf & Blind children were so grateful that they offered the sincerest prayers for the employees at Pherrus as a show of gratitude for their assistance.

Going into the future, Pherrus has decided not to forget the significance of giving back to the community and the less fortunate, even if there is no financial gain from thousands of miles away.

Giving to the less fortunate in the last six months has opened a whole new world of benefits for Pherrus employees that money cannot buy. The opportunities to bring change are immense and the benefits are obviously limitless.

The Insights published on our website have been written by our professional staff strictly for educational purposes. Please note that the information and views expressed above do not constitute professional advice and are general in nature only.

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