Pherrus Financial Services Champions the Future of Women's Rugby in Fiji

SYDNEY, Australia – In a move that merges the spirit of competition with the celebration of women’s achievements, Pherrus Financial Services proudly announces its sponsorship of the Fiji Secondary Schoolgirl’s Rugby League.

This initiative arrives just in time for International Women’s Day, reflecting the firm’s commitment to women’s empowerment, with the Pherrus For Her program. 

Since its inception in 2007, the Fiji Secondary School Rugby League (FSSRL) has become a cornerstone of the school sports calendar, enjoying a dramatic increase in participation.

It’s a celebration of talent, passion, and community spirit that has gained the support of parents, fans, and institutions alike.

Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic—which saw the postponement of the competition in 2021 following government health policies—the league has continued to soar, culminating in the prestigious Vodafone Trophy (VT) FSSRL Grand Finals in 2022 graced by Fiji’s President, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere.

Yet, until recently, the schoolgirl’s competition lacked a major sponsor, relying on support from various organisations.

Today, Pherrus Financial Services steps forward to fill this gap, proudly supporting the growth of women’s rugby in Fiji.

Pherrus Fiji Girls Rugby League Teams Sponsorship

The Power of Sponsorship

Pherrus Financial Services, extending its reach beyond its Australian headquarters, has embarked on a journey to foster young talent in Fiji.

Following discussions led by Mr. Kelepi in the Suva office, Pherrus has committed to a generous sponsorship, a testament to their dedication to fostering female sports.

The sponsorship will catalyse the league’s capabilities in several critical areas:

  • Launching and Competition: Ensuring the league’s operational success and competitive spirit.
  • Branding and Marketing: Enhancing visibility and reach, crucial for the growth of the sport and its athletes.
  • Development: Directly contributing to the training and support of the schoolgirls, especially those from rural communities.

FSSRLW Trophy Logo

A Win for Women’s Rugby and Education

Not merely a sport, rugby league serves as a vital platform for young women, particularly from the more remote areas of Fiji, to demonstrate their abilities.

The commitment to rise before dawn, cross rivers, and traverse long distances to play every Saturday is a testament to their dedication.

Moreover, the sport has been shown to improve academic achievement, as it provides a healthy outlet for the pressures of daily learning and studying.

The 2022 selection of schoolgirls to play against the U18 Australian Schoolgirl’s Team and their participation in the South Pacific Games are shining examples of the heights these athletes can reach with proper support.

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Aligning with International Women’s Day on March the 8th, Pherrus Financial Services’ sponsorship is a powerful statement that reflects the theme of celebrating women’s achievements and advocating for equality.

By investing in the schoolgirl’s rugby league, Pherrus is not only championing sports development but also the potential of every young woman involved in the league.

Pherrus Sponsorship For Trophy

Looking Forward

The 2024 season is set to be an extraordinary one, with 26 teams eager to take the field, 10 of which will have the honour of being directly sponsored by Pherrus.

This partnership is more than a financial boost; it is a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration, promising a brighter future for women’s rugby in Fiji.

Pherrus Financial Services sponsorship is a step towards a more inclusive, empowering, and dynamic sporting community, where every try scored is a victory for gender equality and youth development.

The Insights published on our website have been written by our professional staff strictly for educational purposes. Please note that the information and views expressed above do not constitute professional advice and are general in nature only.

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